The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air

For company:ENERGOFLEX s.r.o., Brno
Place:SILON s.r.o., Planá nad Lužnicí
Realisation nr:329/19

The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air by using waste heat from used air in SILON s.r.o. company.

exchanger type:


  • The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air - 3D model preview.
  • The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air - 3D model preview.
  • Finished recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
  • Insulation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
  • Installation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
  • Installation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
  • The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air - 3D model preview.
    The recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air - 3D model preview.
    Finished recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
    Insulation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
    Installation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
    Installation of the recuperation exchanger for heating fresh air.
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