Flue gas heat exchanger with an in-built bypass in the shell and a louvre flap in the inlet reducing part is designed for preheating of combustion air using natural...
Brno, INTEKA Brno spol. s r.o.

Technical and production documentation of heat exchanger with bypass. Heat exchanger is designed for the heating of air by means of flue gases of air heaters fired...
Jihlava, KRONOPLUS CZ, s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to heat up service water using flue gases of natural gas after the galvanizing furnace in WIEGEL Nurenberg, DE, plant Graben,
Olomouc | Nürnberg, DE, TPP s.r.o. | WIEGEL

The heat exchanger AIR HEATER E601 is designed for heating air by using heat from steam in the technology of urea production in the company Duslo, a.s., Šala, SK,
Praha | Šala, SK, Chemoprojekt a.s. | Duslo, a.s.

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from the VITOMAX 200 boiler in the VESBYT s.r.o. company, Veselí nad Moravou,
Rudná | Veselí nad Moravou, Viessmann, spol. s r.o. | VESBYT s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from the galvanizing furnace in WIEGEL Nurenberg, DE, plant Hochstadt,
type of heat...
Olomouc | Nürnberg, DE, TPP s.r.o. | WIEGEL

Flue gas heat exchangers for the heating service water using natural gas flue gases from hot-water boilers in boiler room of town Vlašim,
type of heat exchangers:
Rudná | Vlašim, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.

Heat exchanger for gas cooling and drying from a biogas station,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAHEMCE 3/9-880-1,875-1-8
Havířov, GASCONTROL, společnost s r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating drinking water using natural gas flue gases in the company Europasta SE, plant Adriana Litovel,
type of heat exchanger:
Šumperk, TELO a.s.

Flue gas heat exchangers for the heating service water using flue gases from light heating oil in the company UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s. – 2nd stage,
type of heat...
Vyškov | Mníšek pod Brdy, AVOS, s.r.o. | UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s.