
Ethanol freeze drying unit
Ethanol freeze drying unit in the spray dryer circuit in the manufacturing premises No. 50 – 2nd stage.
Opava, Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.
Air preheater and pure gas cooler
EA-4705 air preheater and EA-4706 pure gas cooler for the NIS refining plant in Pančevo, Serbia, types of heat exchangers:  – EA-4705 dle zadávací dokumentace –...
Brno, Kovoprojekta Brno a.s.
Cooler of exhaust gases
Cooler of exhaust gases for mine haulage locomotive, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAHEMCE 3/15-380-1,625-1-8
Baška, FERRIT spol. s r.o.
Exchangers for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchanger for waste-heat recovery from a steam boiler 3 tonnes/hr. for heating hot water in the Vimperk meatpacking plant, type of heat exchanger: –...
Praha 5 | Vimperk, SOMATHERM spol. s r.o.
Design and production of heat exchangers for organic Rankine cycle
Design and production of heat exchangers for organic Rankine cycle, delivery of condenser, regenerator, superheater with evaporator.
Brno, Brněnská energetická společnost Brno s.r.o.
Flue gas water heat exchanger
Flue gas water heat exchanger (replacement for a steam heat exchanger) of waste incinerator system for the hospital in Uherské Hradiště, type of heat exchanger: –...
Zlín, EC-mont s.r.o.
Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.
Opava, Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.
Freeze drying unit
Freeze drying unit type VAKAKOND 250 in the manufacturing premises No. 70 of Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. company in city Opava.
Opava, Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.
Exchanger for freeze drying and condensation
Freeze drying and condensation of organic volatile compounds from the ceramic foil casting line
Hradec Králové, ELCERAM a.s.
Flue gas heat exchangers
Flue gas heat exchangers of the walking-beam furnace for SSM steelworks, Strážské, Slovakia, types of heat exchangers:  – VAKACUBE 2400×2300-7-22-2 pass – VAKACUBE...
Klatovy II, E-therm TZ s.r.o.
Exchanger for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchanger designed to recover waste heat from mazut flue gases from the Viessmann hot-water boiler of 3,3MW capacity to heat up heating water, type...
Meziboří, DOTERM SERVIS s.r.o.
VOC capture technology
Technology of capturing VOC emissions from the plastics production in Mladcova plant, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS 540×540-20-12 pass
Zlín, D PLAST a.s.
Exchanger for heating thermo-oil
Flue gas heat exchanger using flue gases of furnace for thermal paint stripping designed to preheat thermo-oil, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS 648×800-20-6...
Bratislava, KZ spol. s r.o.