
Study on the use of waste heat
Study on the use of waste heat from a gas burner of milk dryer line - optimization of energy loss.
Olomouc, OLMA, a.s.
Heat exchanger for heating up of demineralized water
Heat exchanger designed to heat up demineralized water using flue gases of steam boiler with power output 10 t/h in Synthomer a.s. company.exchanger type: - VAKAHEMCE...
Synthomer a.s., Sokolov, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Chrášťany
The condensing flue gas heat exchanger
The condensing heat exchanger designed to heat up warm water using flue gases of boiler Vitomax LW M62D with power output 4.0 MW in Viessmann, s.r.o. company.exchanger...
Bratislava, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.
The condensing flue gas heat exchanger
The condensing heat exchnager designed to heat up refill water using flue gases of boiler with power output 3 t/h in Liptovská potravinárska spoločnosť, s. r. o....
Liptovská potravinárska spoločnosť, s. r. o., Ružomberok, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Bratislava
Oil heater for MND a. s.
Exchanger designed to heat up petroleum by mixture of water and glycol in MND a. s. company.exchanger type: - DUOHEMCE 729997-235-9.730-994
PZP Dambořice, MND a. s., Hodonín
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating process water
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating process water by using of flue gases from hot-water boiler with output power 3500 kW in Europaste SE - divize Litovel company. echanger...
Litovel, Europasta SE – divize Litovel
Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water
Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water by using of flue gases from dryer of printing machine LITHOMAN IV in SEVEROTISK s.r.o. company. Delivery including...
Ústí nad Labem, SEVEROTISK s.r.o.
Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water
Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water using natural gas flue gases from steam boiler with output power 0,7t/h in ENPEKA a.s. company. exchanger type: -...
ENPEKA a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná
Flue gas heat exchanger designed for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchanger designed for heating service water using the flue gases of natural gas from hot-water boiler in Veolia Energie Praha a.s. – ŘOK 4 company,...
Veolia Energie Praha a.s., Praha, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná
Exchanger for the heating service water
Heat recuperation from the tunnel furnace serving for heating service water, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS 900×1100-14-Ž-6 pass
Wilhelmsburg, Rakousko, LAUFEN AUSTRIA AG
Exchangers for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchangers designed for heating service water using flue gases of natural gas from the 350 kW hot-water boiler, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS...
Vilnius, Litva, Viessmann UAB
Technical and production documentation
Technical and production documentation of a W027 waste vapour cooler, type of heat exchanger: – 2,9 BEM 40 1/1
Ostrava, PROMONT a.s.
Exchanger for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the company nkt cables s.r.o., Vrchlabí, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS 900×1200-14-Ž-2...
Rudná, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.
Exchangers for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from Capstone micro-turbines of 1 MW capacity in Sochi, Russia – 2nd stage, type...
Havířov, GASCONTROL, společnost s r.o.
Exchanger for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using flue gas from light heating oil in the company UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s. – 1st stage, type of heat exchanger: –...
Vyškov, AVOS, s.r.o.
Exchangers for heating light heating oil
Heat exchangers for heating of the outlet pipe leading light heating oil from the storage tank, type of heat exchanger: – VAKAHEMCE 4/8-420-1,75-1-16
Bratislava, Slovensko, VEMAPOS, s.r.o.
Exchangers for heating service water
Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the Oblastní nemocnice Jičín a.s., type of heat exchanger: – VAKAVLAS 540×570-10-Ž-2...
Rudná, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.