Study on the use of waste heat from a gas burner of milk dryer line - optimization of energy loss.
Olomouc, OLMA, a.s.

Heat exchanger designed to heat up demineralized water using flue gases of steam boiler with power output 10 t/h in Synthomer a.s. company.exchanger type: - VAKAHEMCE...
Synthomer a.s., Sokolov, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Chrášťany

The condensing heat exchanger designed to heat up warm water using flue gases of boiler Vitomax LW M62D with power output 4.0 MW in Viessmann, s.r.o. company.exchanger...
Bratislava, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.

The condensing heat exchnager designed to heat up refill water using flue gases of boiler with power output 3 t/h in Liptovská potravinárska spoločnosť, s. r. o....
Liptovská potravinárska spoločnosť, s. r. o., Ružomberok, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Bratislava

Exchanger designed to heat up petroleum by mixture of water and glycol in MND a. s. company.exchanger type: - DUOHEMCE 729997-235-9.730-994
PZP Dambořice, MND a. s., Hodonín

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating process water by using of flue gases from hot-water boiler with output power 3500 kW in Europaste SE - divize Litovel company.
Litovel, Europasta SE – divize Litovel

Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water by using of flue gases from dryer of printing machine LITHOMAN IV in SEVEROTISK s.r.o. company. Delivery including...
Ústí nad Labem, SEVEROTISK s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water using natural gas flue gases from steam boiler with output power 0,7t/h in ENPEKA a.s. company.
exchanger type:
ENPEKA a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná

Flue gas heat exchanger designed for heating service water using the flue gases of natural gas from hot-water boiler in Veolia Energie Praha a.s. – ŘOK 4 company,...
Veolia Energie Praha a.s., Praha, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to heat up service water using flue gases of natural gas after the galvanizing furnace in Kovoobrábění Neschner s.r.o. company,...
Dušníky, Kovoobrábění Neschner s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to heat service water using flue gases of natural gas from the VHP 1630 hot-water boiler
in VESBYT s.r.o. company, in town Veselí...
Veselí nad Moravou, VESBYT s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to heat service water using flue gases of natural gas from the VHP 1630 hot-water boiler
in VESBYT s.r.o. company, in town Veselí...
Veselí nad Moravou, VESBYT s.r.o.

Heat exchanger designed to heat up service water using flue gases of natural gas from continuous furnace in
BENTELER Automotive Klášterec s.r.o. company, in town...
BENTELER Automotive Klášterec s.r.o., Chrastava, ELPLY, spol. s r.o., Chomutov

Exchanger designed to heat up refill water using natural gas flue gases of steam boiler with output power 0,7 t/h in PENAM a.s. company, division Herink.
PENAM a.s., Herink, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná

Inferencing unit for vaporizing of leakage water – verifing of technology design for partial volume vaporizing of leakage water in Depos Horní Suchá, a.s. company.
Depos Horní Suchá, a.s., Horní Suchá, GGC Energy, s.r.o., Havířov

Project documentation and delivery of customized heat exchangers after the VOC burnout chamber in Tiefenbacher GmbH, Ennsdorf, Austria.
exchanger types:
Tiefenbacher GmbH, Ennsdorf, KZ spol. s r.o., Bratislava

Technical and manufacturing documentation of the flue gas heat exchanger. Exchanger is designed to heat up air by using waste heat from combustion process of natural...
Jihlava, KRONOPLUS CZ, s.r.o.

Adsorption air filter for capturing of acetonitril offgas from reactor A3705 in Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. company, in Opava city.
Adsorption acetonitril filter...
Opava, Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed for heating of hot water using natural gas flue gases of hot water boiler with power output 2,05 MW
in Franke Slovakia s.r.o....
Franke Slovakia s.r.o., Strečno, Viessmann, s.r.o., Bratislava

Modification of technical and manufacturing documentation of the flue gas heat exchanger. Exchanger is designed to heat up air by using waste heat from combustion...
Jihlava, KRONOPLUS CZ, s.r.o.