Modification of technical and manufacturing documentation of the flue gas heat exchanger. Exchanger is designed to heat up air by using waste heat from combustion...
Jihlava, KRONOPLUS CZ, s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to recover waste heat from mazut flue gases from the Viessmann hot-water boiler of 3,3MW capacity to heat up heating water, type...
Meziboří, DOTERM SERVIS s.r.o.

Technology of capturing VOC emissions from the plastics production in Mladcova plant, type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 540×540-20-12 pass
Zlín, D PLAST a.s.

Flue gas heat exchanger using flue gases of furnace for thermal paint stripping designed to preheat thermo-oil,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 648×800-20-6...
Bratislava, KZ spol. s r.o.