
The condensing flue gas heat exchanger
The condensing heat exchanger designed to heat up return water from flue gases of hot-water boiler with output power 2050 kW in Viessmann spol. s r.o. company.exchanger...
Franke Slovakia s.r.o., Strečno, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Bratislava
Coolers of pyrolysis gas
Exchanger - cooler of pyrolysis gas at backup boiler room in Zlín - Malenovice, Teplárna Otrokovice a.s.exchanger type: - VAKAHEMCE 60-826-9,7980-8-94
Zlín - Malenovice, ESAP Consult s.r.o., Ostrava
Flue gas heat exchanger for steam generator
Flue gas heat exchanger for steam generator ALBA 750 designed to heat up heating water in AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s. – Mrazírna Vestec, company.exchanger type: -...
AGRO Jesenice u Prahy a.s., Dolní Březany, ELPLY spol. s r.o., Chomutov
Heat exchanger for heating water
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating water using waste heat of natural gas flue gases from cogeneration unit’s piston engine with power output 2,0 MW/h at the company...
Šumperk, TELO a.s.
Heat exchanger for heating hot water
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating of hot water using waste heat of natural gas flue gases along with VOC comming out from afterburner device of ROTOMAN N machine. exchanger...
Praha 10, Svoboda Press s.r.o.
Exchanger for heating water
Flue gas heat exchanger using natural gas flue gases of boiler with power output 4,0 tons/h in the company McCarter a.s., Dunajská Streda, Slovakia. exchanger...
Rudná | Dunajská Streda, Viessmann, spol. s r.o. | McCarter a.s.
Exchanger for heating nitrogen
Flue gas heat exchanger for heating up of pure Nitrogen in the company AL INVEST Břidličná, a. s., Břidličná. exchanger type: – VAKAHEMCE 3/15-430-2,00-1-8
Klatovy II, E-therm TZ s.r.o.
Heat exchangers for heating of service water and fresh water
Flue gas heat exchangers for heating up of service water using waste heat of natural gas flue gases of boiler VITOMAX 200-HS power output 5 tons/h in the company LE...
Rudná | Jirny, Viessmann, spol. s r.o. | LE & CO - Ing. Jiří Lenc, s.r.o.