Flue gas heat exchanger with an in-built bypass in the shell and a louvre flap in the inlet reducing part is designed for preheating of combustion air using natural...
Brno, INTEKA Brno spol. s r.o.
Full reference Flue gas heat exchanger designed to heat up service water using flue gases of natural gas after the galvanizing furnace in WIEGEL Nurenberg, DE, plant Graben,
Olomouc | Nürnberg, DE, TPP s.r.o. | WIEGEL
Full reference Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from the galvanizing furnace in WIEGEL Nurenberg, DE, plant Hochstadt,
type of heat...
Olomouc | Nürnberg, DE, TPP s.r.o. | WIEGEL
Full reference Flue gas heat exchangers for the heating service water using flue gases from light heating oil in the company UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s. – 2nd stage,
type of heat...
Vyškov | Mníšek pod Brdy, AVOS, s.r.o. | UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s.
Full reference Heat recuperation from the tunnel furnace serving for heating service water,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 900×1100-14-Ž-6 pass
Wilhelmsburg, Rakousko, LAUFEN AUSTRIA AG
Full reference Flue gas heat exchangers designed for heating service water using flue gases of natural gas from the 350 kW hot-water boiler,
type of heat exchanger:
Vilnius, Litva, Viessmann UAB
Full reference Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the company nkt cables s.r.o., Vrchlabí,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 900×1200-14-Ž-2...
Rudná, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.
Full reference Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from Capstone micro-turbines of 1 MW capacity in Sochi, Russia – 2nd stage,
Havířov, GASCONTROL, společnost s r.o.
Full reference Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using flue gas from light heating oil in the company UVR Mníšek pod Brdy a.s. – 1st stage,
type of heat exchanger:
Vyškov, AVOS, s.r.o.
Full reference Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the Oblastní nemocnice Jičín a.s.,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 540×570-10-Ž-2...
Rudná, Viessmann, spol. s r.o.
Full reference