Replacement of TEMA type tube bundle for heating of technology water preserving original construction design.Installation of the heat exchanger replacement was also...
VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA, a.s., Bratislava, EXMONT INVEST, spol. s r.o., Bratislava
Full reference Exchanger designed for heating of the natural gas in MND a. s. company.exchanger type: - VAKAHEMCE 4/8-425-1,425-1-8
stanice Ždánice, MND a. s., Hodonín
Full reference The condensing heat exchanger designed to heat up refill water using flue gases of a steam boiler with power output of 3.0 t/h for Viessmann, s.r.o. company.exchanger...
A + Z Rišnovský, Halász, s.r.o., Velké Úlany, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Bratislava
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