Flue gas heat exchanger for heating process water by using of flue gases from hot-water boiler with output power 3500 kW in Europaste SE - divize Litovel company.
Litovel, Europasta SE – divize Litovel

Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water by using of flue gases from dryer of printing machine LITHOMAN IV in SEVEROTISK s.r.o. company. Delivery including...
Ústí nad Labem, SEVEROTISK s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger for the heating water using natural gas flue gases from steam boiler with output power 0,7t/h in ENPEKA a.s. company.
exchanger type:
ENPEKA a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná

Flue gas heat exchanger designed for heating service water using the flue gases of natural gas from hot-water boiler in Veolia Energie Praha a.s. – ŘOK 4 company,...
Veolia Energie Praha a.s., Praha, Viessmann, spol. s r.o., Rudná

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating of service water using flue gases of carousel furnace in the BONATRANS GROUP a.s. company, Bohumín.
type of heat exchanger:
Plzeň | Bohumín, SYSTHERM s r.o. | BONATRANS GROUP a.s.

Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using biogas flue gases in the NWT a.s. company, Hulín,
types of heat exchangers:
– VAKAHEMCE 3/31-870-1,875-1-8...
Hulín, NWT a.s.

Technical and production documentation of the tube heat exchanger for circural heating of the lautered brewery wort for the ZVVZ MACHINERY, a.s. company, Milevsko,
Milevsko, ZVVZ MACHINERY, a.s.

Water heat exchanger for heating air and flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using flue gases of natural gas from the cogeneration unit in the CORAMEXPORT...
Moravská Třebová, CORAMEXPORT s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the Barrandov Studio a. s. company, Prague,
types of heat exchangers:
Plzeň | Praha, SYSTHERM s r.o. | Barrandov Studio a. s.

Flue gas heat exchangers designed for heating of service water from waste heat of natural gas and light fuel oil flue gases from boilers in COOPER STANDARD GmbH AUTOMOTIVE...
Rudná | Lindau, Viessmann, spol. s r.o. | COOPER STANDARD GmbH

Flue gas heat exchanger using natural gas flue gases from the turbine unit Capstone C30 for heating of service water at BDSTAV MORAVA s.r.o. company, Bruzovice.
Havířov | Bruzovice, GGC Energy, s.r.o. | BDSTAV MORAVA s.r.o.

Cooler of exhaust gases for mine haulage locomotive,
type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAHEMCE 3/15-380-1,625-1-8
Baška, FERRIT spol. s r.o.

Flue gas heat exchanger for heating service water using natural gas flue gases in the company KVK PARABIT, a.s., Svoboda nad Úpou,
type of heat exchanger:
Jablonec nad Nisou, REPOS plus a.s.

The cooling system of a flue gases from radioactive waste incinerator furnace in the company JAVYS a.s., Jaslovské Bohunice,
types of heat exchangers:
JAVYS a.s., Jaslovské Bohunice, ENERGOMONT s.r.o., Trnava

System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds from the KWAN impregnation burning kiln,
types of heat exchangers:
– HECAT 500
– VAKAVLAS 400×460-16-2...
Brno, VUES Brno s.r.o.

Flue gas heat exchangers for heating service water using natural gas flue gases from Capstone micro-turbines of 1 MW capacity in Sochi, Russia – 1st stage,
Havířov, GGC Energy, s.r.o.

Ethanol freeze drying unit in the spray dryer circuit in the manufacturing premises No. 50 – 2nd stage.
Opava, Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.

EA-4705 air preheater and EA-4706 pure gas cooler for the NIS refining plant in Pančevo, Serbia,
types of heat exchangers:
– EA-4705 dle zadávací dokumentace
Brno, Kovoprojekta Brno a.s.

Flue gas heat exchanger designed to recover waste heat from mazut flue gases from the Viessmann hot-water boiler of 3,3MW capacity to heat up heating water, type...
Meziboří, DOTERM SERVIS s.r.o.

Technology of capturing VOC emissions from the plastics production in Mladcova plant, type of heat exchanger:
– VAKAVLAS 540×540-20-12 pass
Zlín, D PLAST a.s.